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1: 表示安全(带人过程中,如果带人者(bus)打出这个数字,说明门里非常安全,可以进入).
1h: 1 Hand 单手武器.
2: 表示危险.
2h: 2 Hand 双手武器.
3bar/3bb : act5 q5的三个野蛮人守护神.
3/20/20: 小型护身符:+3 最大伤害+20 攻击命中率+20 生命. 这些属性具有很强的追捧性,是非常有价值的,极为罕见的.
313: 有毒之炭疽的小型护身符:+313 毒素伤害 效果持续 11 秒.
3q: Thank you 谢谢.
4 : 死 例如: qu 4 !
40/15 : 珠宝
40ed/15ias jewel:40% 增加伤害和15% 提高攻击速度.
40ed/15max damage jewel :40% 增加伤害和15% 最大伤害.
4242 : 是啊是啊.
451: 致命之炭疽的小型护身符: +451 毒素伤害 效果持续 12 秒.
555: 呜呜呜(哭).
5/5: 任何彩虹刻面珠宝(通常是指定的元素):有5%的伤害和-5%敌人抵抗.
5小队 : 杀巴尔途中,巴尔的5次召唤怪物.
7456 : 气死我了.
7+: 漆甲,通常指 塔拉夏的守护
84: 不是
88/886: byebye 再见的意思
9494 : 就是就是
(X)S : X个孔,例如: 4s armor就是4孔盔甲.
(X)pl/(X)ppl :X人的游戏. 例如8ppl就是8人游戏.
#(X) rune/rune(#(X)) : 第X号符文,X是数字.
TT / T_T / ToT / >_< / T.T / )_( : 哭.
^^ / ^_^ / ^v^ / ^o^ : 笑.
@@ / @_@ : 晕晕..
+_+ : 表示陶醉.
– – / -_- / -_______-/-_______-b : 没劲的意思.
-_-!!!: 汗!!!.
orz/OTZ/orz6: 我认栽了.
@: All, 所有, 比如20@res: 所有抗性+20.
a1 : Asia1 realm 亚洲1号服务器.
a2 : Asia2 realm 亚洲2号服务器.
a3 : Asia3 realm 亚洲3号服务器.
A1: Act I.
A2: Act II.
A3: Act III.
A4: Act IV.
A5: Act V.
ab : arctic blast 德鲁伊的极地风暴技能.
acc : Account/Account Name 帐号.
Act Boss/Boss: 守关boss.从Act I至Act V分别是: Andariel,Duriel,Mephisto,Diablo and Baal.
amp: amplify damage 男巫的伤害加深诅咒.
alvl: affix level 词缀等级.
ama/amz/zon : Amazon 亚马逊.
amu/xl: Amulet 项链.
amn : 安姆 11号符文.著名属性:每击吸取7%生命值。也可以用于合成blood amulet.
ar : Attact Rating 攻击准确率.
as : Attack Speed 攻击速度 .
AS : Arreat Summit 亚瑞特山脉巅峰.
asn/ass : Assassin 刺客.
atk : attack 攻击,有时也指攻击力.
ap+: archon plate 执政官铠甲,通常白色的3孔,4孔的用来做符文之语.
b : 巴尔. act5 boss.
ba : bone armor 死灵法师的骨头盔甲.
ban acc : 指官方强行封闭玩家的帐号.
ban cdkey : 指暴雪公司强行封闭某些玩家的CDKEY.
bar/barb/bb :野蛮人 有个脸肿的家伙的最爱.
Bartuc : Bartuc’s Cut-Throat Greater Talons 暗金刺客专用爪.
bc :
battle command 野蛮人的战斗指挥技能.
battle cry 野蛮人的战嚎技能.
Bcomb :+1野蛮人战斗技能的超大型护身符
bd : ben dan 笨蛋.
beast : 110新增符文之语, 野兽.
ber : 贝 30号符文, 著名属性:8% damage reduce.
bg : blood golem 死灵法师的鲜血石魔的技能.
bh : Blessed Hammer 圣骑士的祝福之锤技能.
bhdin : 用bh作为主攻技能的圣骑士.
Bin: Buy it now 现在购买.
BK: Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band 布尔凯索的婚戒.
blz : Blizzard
block : chance of blocking 格挡几率.
BM: Bad-mannered 坏规矩.
BN : Battle.Net 暴雪公司的官方战网.
bo : Battle Orders 野蛮人的战斗体制技能.
BO Sticks: 投掷武器,+3呐喊技能.大多数野蛮人装备的武器.在战斗前,交换这两个武器,以获取+6的呐喊效果.
body : 一般指角色死亡之后留下的尸体.
boi : blades of ice 刺客的寒冰刃技能.
bomb : bomberman 自爆德鲁依的简称.
bot : robot的简写,通指各种自动机器人的游戏外挂.
botd : Breath of the Dying 符文之语 死亡呼吸.
bow: 弓.
bowama/bowzon/bowazon : 使用弓或十字弓类武器为主要攻击手段的亚马逊,主要使用弓和十字弩技能
bp : bone prison 死灵法师的骨牢技能.
bq: 标枪.多指标枪ama=标枪亚马逊.主要使用标枪和长矛技能.
BRB : Be Right Back 马上回来,叫人等一等的意思.
BRT: Be Right There 马上就到.
bs :
Bone Spirit 死灵法师的白骨之魂技能.
bs2 : bone spear 死灵法师的骨矛技能.
bt : bian tai 变态.
btw : By the way 顺便提及.
bug : 程序设计上的错误,漏洞等.
bw : bone wall 死灵法师的骨墙技能.
BvB: Barbarian vs Barbarian 野蛮人VS野蛮人.
BvC: Barbarian vs Caster 野蛮人VS非力战型角色.
BvE: Barbarian vs Everything 野蛮人VS任何人.
c : cruel,残忍的,魔法物品(武器)的前缀,效果201%-300%加强伤害.
c/c asn : 使用claw+claw双刺客爪作战的刺客,又称dual claw asn.
c/c: China/China 游戏房间名,中国玩家主场,现在已经成了pk场所.
c/s asn : 使用claw+shield刺客爪+盾牌组合方式作战的刺客.
ca :
cold arrow 亚马逊的冰箭技能.
Cryptic Axe 神秘之斧.
cyclone armor 德鲁伊的飓风装甲技能.
cb :
colossus blade 巨神之刃.
Crushing Blow 决定性打击.
cbaq : cruel beserker axe of quickness 残忍之快速的狂战士斧.
cbf : Cannot Be Frozen 不能被冰冻.
cb头 : Guillaume’s Face-Winged Helm 吉永之脸.
ccb : cruel colossus blade 残忍的巨神之刃.
ccbq : cruel colossus blade of quickness 残忍之快速的巨神之刃.
ccbs : cruel colossus blade of swiftness 残忍之敏捷的巨神之刃.
ccs : cruel colossus sword 残忍的巨神之剑.
ccsq : cruel scissors suwayyah of quickness 残忍之快速的近身剪.
cd :
cold damage 冰系伤害,
CD : Clone Diablo 超级暗黑破坏神.
ce : corpse explosion 死灵法师的尸爆技能.
又称chipped/chip/cgem : chipped gems 碎裂的宝石,最低级的宝石.
clay golem 死灵法师的粘土石魔.
cham : 查姆 32号符文,有freeze target和can not be frozen的作用
Chances : Chance Guards 运气守护
char: Character 角色.
china :
ChinaTeam 中国战队.
Chn :
china 中国,
chinese 中国人.
chn(X)/chn-(X) : 中国第X频道,X为数字.
Circ: Circlets 指任何四种的头饰.
cl : chain lightning 法师的连锁闪电技能.
clvl : character level角色等级.
cm :
cold mastery 法师的冷系支配技能.
claw mastery 刺客的利爪精通技能.
cmbow : cruel matriarchal bow 残忍的女族长之弓
cmsq : cruel mythical sword of quickness 残忍之快速的秘仪之剑
COA: Crown of Ages 年纪
COH :chain of honor 符文之语 荣耀之链.
con/conc: Concentration 圣骑士的专注光环.
conv : conviction 圣骑士的信念光环.
cos : cloak of shadows 刺客的魔影斗篷技能.
cot : claws of thunder 刺客的雷电爪技能.
cow/cows : 牛,秘密牛关,也有杀牛(kc/cow run/runcow)的意思.
Cr: Create 建立.
CR/Cres : cold resistance 冰抗.
cs :
Chaos Sanctuary 混沌庇护所.
cobra strike 刺客的眼镜蛇攻击技能.
colossus sword 巨神之剑.
Critical Strike 双倍打击.
critical shot 亚马逊的致命攻击技能.
Crystal Sword 水晶剑.
CS run/Chaos run : 玩家在混沌庇护所,快速击杀暗黑破坏神之行为.
css : cruel scissors suwayyah 残忍的近身剪.
CTA : Call to Arms 符文之语,战争召唤.
CtC or C2C: Chance to Cast 一些魔法装备的后缀属性,在攻击或被攻击时某些法术有机会施展或反击.
cu/cya: See you 再见.
cube : the Horadric Cube 赫拉迪克方块,常用作动词,指用cube转化或者合成物品之行为.
cw : colour wolf 指那些专骗MM的.字面理解字面理解.
cwpq : cruel war pike of quickness 残忍之快速的战枪.
CV : Colossus Voulge 巨神之斧.
D : diablo 暗黑破坏神,act4 boss.
d2/d2c: diablo2 暗黑破坏神2.
d2x: Diablo2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction, 暗黑破坏神2:毁灭之王.
dapao/ballista : Buriza-Do Kyanon Ballista 布理撒-多-凯南,人们常说的大炮.
dam/dmg/DMG: Damage 伤害.
同CD : DClone/Diablo Clone/Uber Diablo 超级暗黑破坏神,此boss掉落毁灭.
Disconnect 断开连接.
dragon claw 刺客的双龙爪技能.
dd :
decrep/dec : decrepify 死灵法师的衰老诅咒
def: Defence 防御.
dex: Dexterity 敏捷,人物属性之一.一般都认为够75%格档就好了.
df : Dragon Flight 刺客的飞龙在天技能.
dim : dim vision 死灵法师的微暗灵视诅咒.
din : 同pal, paladin 圣骑士.
DKey: Key of Destruction 毁灭之钥,由尼拉塞克掉落.
doom : Doombringer Champion Sword 末日毁灭者.
down: 通常指服务器当机.
dr : damage reduce 减轻物理伤害, 俗称物免.
Dracs: Dracul’s Grasp-Vampirebone Gloves 也叫Draculs, 卓古拉之握.
Dru/Dudu : Druid 德鲁伊.
DS :
Deadly Strike 致命一击,
death sentry 刺客的亡者守卫技能.
DT : dragon tail 刺客的神龙摆尾技能.
Dtorch: Druid Hellfire Torch 德鲁伊暗金大型护身符,地狱火炬.
dual claw asn : 请参阅c/c asn.
dual/dual leech : 双吸,既能吸mana又能吸life的装备.
duel : 决斗,相当于pvp,语气重些.
Dungo : Verdungo’s Hearty Cord 维尔登戈的心结.
dur : durability 耐久度.
DvD: Druid vs Druid ,德鲁伊vs德鲁伊.
DW : Death’s Web 死亡之网.
dy : 就是hell, 地狱.
E-: Ethereal. Typically prefaces an item acronym, such as ECV, meaning an ethereal Colossus Voulge.
E-Bug: A game bug in which an ethereal body armor has the ethereal defense bonus on it applied twice when sockets are added to it via the Horadric Cube recipe. Also references a piece of armor that has been E-bugged.
EBOTD: Ethereal Breath of the Dying, means that the runeword has been inserted into an ethereal item.
EBOTDZ: Ethereal Breath of the Dying Berserker Axe, meaning the runeword has been inserted into an ethereal Berserker Axe.
ED: Enhanced Damage or Enhanced Defense
ELE: Elemental (typically in reference to the Druid skill tree).
Eni: Enigma
ES: Energy Shield or Eastern Sun
Eth: Ethereal
FB: Fire Ball
FBR: Faster Block Rate
FC: Farcast
FCR: Faster Cast Rate
FG: Forum Gold
FHR: Faster Hit Recovery
FO: Frozen Orb also referred to as “Forb”
Fort: 模板:Rw
FPS: Frames per Second
FR: Fire Resistance
Fres: Fire Resistance
FRW: Faster Run/Walk
FT: For Trade
FTJ: Failed to Join
GC: Grand Charm
GF: Gold Find
GG: Good Game
GH: Great Hauberk
GJ: Good Job
GL: Good Luck
GM: Good-mannered
GMB: Grand Matron Bow
G-Mod: Gook Mod
Green: Festering Essence of Destruction, which is dropped by Baal.
HC: Hardcore
HFP: Hellforge Plate
HKey: Key of Hate, which is dropped by The Summoner.
HotO: 模板:Rw
HoZ: Herald of Zakarum
HR: High Rune. The most common form of currency on battle.net realms.
IAS: Increased Attack Speed
Ilvl: Item level.
Iso: In search of
Java: Can refer to a Javazon Amazon build, a Javelin, or a variety of items that add to the Amazon’s Javelin and Spear Skills, such as “Java Gloves”.
JMOD: Jeweler’s Monarch of Deflecting
K: Short for “Kilo”; a thousand.
KB: Knockback
Lag: High Latency
LC: Large Charm
Legit: Usually refers to a non-duped item.
LLD: Low Level Dueling, the practice of dueling with certain level characters. For example level 29s.
LoD: Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
LR: Low Rune or Lightning Resistance
Lres: Lightning Resistance
LT: Life Tap
Lvl: Level
LW: 模板:Rw
MB: Matriarchal Bow or Mind Blast
Merc: Mercenary. Often used in combination with an item, indicating that the item is intended for a Mercenary to use (i.e. it is ethereal and/or made in an item that is ideal for a Merc to use).
MF: Magic Find
MF gear: A set of gear providing high MF.
MF runs: The process of trying to find items by killing various high drop chance bosses repeatedly, often wearing special MF gear. Also known as MFing.
MH: Maphack
Mill: Million
Mlvl: Monster level
MP: Mage Plate or Multi Player
MR: Medium Rune
N: Necromancer or Nihlathak
N: Need/Needing
NG: New Game or Next Game
Nig: 模板:Rw
NK: Naked Kill
NL: Non-Ladder
Ntorch: Necromancer Hellfire Torch
O: Offer/Offering
OS: Open Sockets, typically preceded by a number (e.g. 4os).
P: Paladin or Perfect (can reference the gem quality or any item which has rolled all of the highest possible of its variable stats).
Pala: Paladin
PB: Phase Blade
PC: Price Check
Pcomb: Refers to a Grand Charm with +1 to Paladin Combat Skills
PDSC: Poison Damage Small Charm
Perf: Perfect
Pgem: Perfect Gem
PK: Player Kill
PnB: Poison and Bone
Poof: An automatically deleted duplicated aka duped item. Also known as Poofed or Poofing.
PP: Party Please
PR: Poison Resistance
Pres: Poison Resistance
PSN: Poison
Ptorch: Paladin Hellfire Torch
PvM: Player vs. Monster
PvP: Player vs. Player

Red: Burning Essence of Terror, which is dropped by Diablo.
Res: Reserve or Resistance(s)
RM: Remake
Rust Storm: A dupe-detector program run occasionally that detects and “rusts” i.e. deletes all duped items.
Rune Rushing: The process of quickly advancing low level characters into Hell Act IV in order to benefit from the Hellforge quest rune drops. Also known as RR, Rune Run or Rune Rush.
Rush: The process of a more powerful character helping often a much weaker character to advance in acts rapidly. Also known as Rushing.
RV: Rex Vex
R/W: Run/Walk
RW: Rune Word
S: Sorceress
SA: Sacred Armor
SC: Small Charm or Softcore
Scrip or Script: Refers to a game’s description on Battle.net
Shako: Though the Shako is an item in D2, this typically refers to the unique Harlequin Crest.
Shout Sticks: Throwing weapons that add +3 to Warcries skills. Most Barbarians equip two of these on their weapon swap. They are easily found on vendors in Hell.
Sin: Assassin
Sintorch: Assassin Hellfire Torch
Skiller(s): Any Grand Charm that adds +1 to a class skill tree.
SMHTPPK: Sting’s Map Hack Using Town Portal Player Kill Mod
SOJ: Stone of Jordan
Sorc: Sorceress also simply Sor.
SP: Single Player
SS: Stormshield or Shape Shifting Skills
Storch: Sorceress Hellfire Torch
SvS: Sorceress vs Sorceress
TC: Treasure Class, also known as TClass.
TG: Town Guard
TGod or TGod’s: Thundergod’s Vigor
TKey: Key of Terror, which is dropped by The Countess.
TM: Thunder Maul
TMC: Teleport Mod Cast
T/O: Top Offer
Token: Token of Absolution
TP: Town Portal
TPPK: Town Portal Player Kill (abolished in Patch 1.13)
Trav run: Players repeatedly clear Travincal of monsters for fast experience.
Travs: War Traveler
Treks: Sandstorm Trek
Trist run: Players repeatedly clear Tristram of monsters for fast experience.
TY: Thank You
ÜberD: Uber Diablo or Über Diablo, also known as UberD.
Übers: The Pandemonium Event, also known as Über Tristram or Uber Tristram.
Unid: Unidentified.
Valk: Valkyrie
Vanilla: Refers to an unmodded installation of any Diablo game.
WC: War Cry (skill) or Warcries (skill tree)
Wep or Weap: Weapon
WF: Windforce
WP: Waypoint
WT: War Traveler
WUG: What you got?
WUW: What you want?
WW: Whirlwind

Yellow: Charged Essence of Hatred, which is dropped by Mephisto.
-Z or Zerk or Zerker: Berserker Axe. For example, Griefz refers to a 模板:Rw runeword in a Berserker Axe.
Zodded: An Ethereal item socketed with a Zod Rune.
Zodding: The process of taking a powerful Ethereal unique or rare item and socketing it with the Zod Rune, making it indestructible.
Zon: Amazon
Ztorch: Amazon Hellfire Torch
帖子: 4

Re: 暗黑破坏神2中的常用缩写(简写,略语,术语)

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